DOHA: October 22, 2013, Birzeit Consulting Qatar, a professional services company providing an integrated spectrum of internal control and anti-fraud/corruption advisory and training services, has formally announced a strategic partnership with The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI).
The event was marked by the inauguration of “Corruption Prevention in Financial Institution” in the presence of Qatar Central Bank (QCB) Governor H E Sheikh Abdullah bin Saud Al Thani here yesterday.
Addressing the event, Lawrence Burke Files, President, of The AACI noted fighting corruption is multifaceted and should always be carried out with a disciplined approach.
The AACI believes that decision makers should always have anti-fraud intelligence. It believes that management is the weakest cycle that usually jeopardizes any anti-corruption effort in any entity. The AACI fills this gap and provides effective means to battle fraud and corruption.
The Launch Event

Media Coverage

Launching Event’s Learning Programs

Qatar University is the first Arab university that engages its students in fighting corruption. Read more.
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The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI)
Together, Empowering Tone at the Top
Click here for an overview of The AACI. You may also download its PowerPoint presentation (PDF)
Qatar Association of CPAs and The AACI: Cooperation in Anti-Corruption
The 2nd Anti-Corruption Case Contest at QU

The Media Coverage of the Launching Event in Qatar, 2013