Recognizing the English language is a significant obstacle in raising the anti-corruption awareness in the Arab countries, The AACI decided to unleash its potential by launching the corruption prevention podcast series in Arabic. They are bi-weekly episodes hosted by Mr. Mike J. Masoud, the senior director in the Middle East and Africa.
“All stakeholders need proper and quality information about anti-corruption to enable them not only to make informed decisions but also to meet their duties and set their expectations” Masoud stated.
The AACI believes that the current Arab public awareness about many corruption issues is, at best, poor. It also believes that the best defense is prevention. Therefore, the episodes are designed to be informative, provocative, and engaging. “ It is a significant leap in disseminating quality anti-corruption knowledge and skills to all stakeholders” Masoud added.
The website of the series is in Arabic and available on . It is free and also available on Apple Podcasts and Google Play Music where we urge the Arab stakeholders to subscribe and get engaged.
You will find here the first episode of the series. Subscribe, comment, and get engaged.