On May 14, 2019, The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI) and Tomorrow’s Advice s.a.r.l., The AACI’s Exclusive Strategic Partner in Lebanon and Kuwait, conducted a workshop in Beirut – Lebanon to discuss and analyze the Lebanese Draft National Strategy for Combating Corruption and Its Executive Outline 2018-2023.

Senior Advisor; The Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
The attendance of the seminar was restricted to the Lebanese members of The AACI who are qualified as Certified Anti-Corruption Manager (CACM). Attended by more than 20 CACMs, Ms. Gina Chammas and Mr. Mike Masoud led this unique workshop. The CACMs and the seminar instructors discussed and analyzed the draft strategy based on the CACM Review Textbook and the body of knowledge the CACMs obtained when they attended the CACM Review Course and Exam earlier this year.
The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI) and Tomorrow’s Advice believe that CACMs are the anti-corruption management professionals who are equipped with the cutting edge value-added anti-corruption knowledge and skills and empowered to play a visible role in the fight against corruption nationally, regionally, and internationally.
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The CACMs who participated in the seminar got 4 CPEs as a part of The AACI’s Continuing Professional Educational Requirements of its members to maintain their membership at The Institute. A CACM member of good standing at The AACI shall obtain 30 CPEs annually.
There are currently more than 30 CACMs in Lebanon. We plan to have more than 100 CACMs in 2020.
Interested parties may click here to read our “Notes on the Lebanese Draft National Strategy for Combating Corruption and Its Executive Outline 2018-2023”
Downloadملاحظات حول  مشروع ا لاستراتيجية الوطنية لمكافحة الفساد ومخططها التنفيذي 2023-2018