The AACI publishes opinions and contributions written by some of its employees, management, and directors. It also publishes contributions from other experts, academicians, and professionals.
Views and opinions expressed under “Opinions” of this blog or at The AACI’s website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer or The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI).
July 25, 2019The AACIThe ‘‘Countering Russian and Other Overseas Kleptocracy Act’’ or the ‘‘CROOK Act’’ was introduced last week by Rep. Bill Keating (D-MA) and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA). Recognizing the significant damages of corruption, kleptocracy, and illicit finance committed by foreign authoritarian leaders and other foreign persons, the bill...
L. Burke Files, CACM, CDDPPresident of The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI)In an interview with All Andorra, president Files talked about many current issues related to banking and banking regulations, money laundering, corruption scandals, and compliance. He also addressed many regulatory issues and provided his insights on the audit profession. The...
June 4, 2019 Judiciary independence is a prerequisite to sustain development and fight corruption. Proper and adequate separation among the branches of government (Judiciary, Legislature, and Executive) is a must to govern in the best interest of the citizens. This is a well-known and proven practice of governance. Therefore, when...
OpinionJune 2, 2019The Lebanese Judges’ Club dares to demand the execution of the first step towards the Independence of the Judiciary as per the Lebanese Constitution, the first step towards a healthy nation with effective public institutions.More than 300 judges unite to seek the Independence of the Judiciary, which is...
On May 14, 2019, The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI) and Tomorrow’s Advice s.a.r.l., The AACI’s Exclusive Strategic Partner in Lebanon and Kuwait, conducted a workshop in Beirut – Lebanon to discuss and analyze the Lebanese Draft National Strategy for Combating Corruption and Its Executive Outline 2018-2023. Gina Chammas, CPA, CACM,...
On April 2, 2019, Mr. Mike J. Masoud, Sr. Director of The AACI in the Middle East and Africa, had a TV interview in Beirut -Lebanon where he addressed in details and for the first time the fundamentally required inputs of any national effective anti-corruption strategy. Besides, he also discussed...
May 1, 2019Quoted in Forbes magazine, Mr. L. B. Files, president of The AACI, commented on the $230 billion money-laundering scandal that rocked the European Union financial system recently. The AACI on Danske Bank.“I’ve seen the wire transfers of the Danske bank transactions,” says L. Burke Files, president of the...