Relevant internal control posts. They cover best practices, principles, publications, news, stories, and significant updates. The AACI adopts the COSO’s internal control definition, implementation guidelines, and literature.
يقدم المعهد الأمريكي لمكافحة الفساد هذه المصادر باللغة العربية دعما لأعضائه ومريديه في الدول الناطقة باللغة العربية وتعزيزاً لرؤية ومهمة المعهد. وسنقوم بإضافة العديد من المصادربإستمرار الفساد في القطاع الصحي: الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا دور المواطن العربي البسيط في مكافحة الفساد نشر المعرفة المتخصصة والإستثمار في الوقاية من الفساد ترخيص...
Excerpt of the first interview with Mr. L.B. Files, president of The AACI. Some countries believe in managing corruption rather than fighting corruption. Worse, some countries use corruption as a tool for governance. The complete Interview
Internal Control: What Those Charged with Governance Should Know Tempe, October 31, 2017; Technical Staff This document is a part of The AACI series of anti-corruption resources made available to our CACM members. The contents of this document constitute an integral part of the CACM Review textbook that would be available in countries...
As The American Anti-Corruption Institute’s (AACI) journey approached five years since launching its operations in late 2012, fraud and corruption scandals continued to make headlines. Though the Volkswagen Dieselgate costs exceeded $30bn to date, and Samsung’s CEO will spend time in prison for corruption charges, the corporate world does not seem...
June 13, 2017; Technical Staff The AACI currently prepares an initiative for the Arab countries healthcare sector. It is an ambitious and innovative anti-corruption project. Transparency, integrity, and accountability are fundamental pillars of the project. The Arab countries healthcare decision makers and executive management will always play a pivotal role...
Starting September 1, 2016, The AACI offers globally a disciplined anti-corruption certification program to organizations seeking to prevent fraud and corruption inside their business processes, operations, and culture. This certification process is the first of its kind worldwide and forms a basis for institutional change in fighting fraud and corruption.... On Wednesday, June 18, 2014, The AACI launched its operations in Jordan. Administered by The AACI’s exclusive approved vendor in Jordan, Albatross Consulting conducted the launch event at Sheraton hotel in Amman. The president of The AACI, Mr. L.b. Files addressed the audience and discussed with them the opportunities and challenges of fighting corruption.