Relevant internal control posts. They cover best practices, principles, publications, news, stories, and significant updates. The AACI adopts the COSO’s internal control definition, implementation guidelines, and literature.
May 5, 2020Ernst & Young (EY) faces difficult times where its audit for specific clients are under investigation by the UK watchdog and other regulators. The following are limited relevant news that forms developing stories. May 4, 2020Watchdog investigates EY audit of scandal-hit NMC HealthMove piles further pressure on EY,...
April 30, 2020Technical StaffSince last December, the fraud and corruption red flags came out loud and clear. Since then, news reports say that many UAE banks are exposed to more than USD 4.2 billion due to suspected fraud at this healthcare provider conglomerate. On March 2, 2020, the Guardian newspaper...
April 5, 2020Technical staffThe Coronavirus pandemic is unprecedented in human history. Therefore, its implications on the fight against corruption shall be unusual as well. Unfortunately, the ultimate price of corruption under the era of Corona is expressed in terms of people’s lives. When the Red Cross fought the Ebola disease,...
March 30, 2020Technical StaffResponding to the Coronavirus pandemic and effectively from April 1, 2020, we deliver the online CACM Review Course and Exam via our strategic partners worldwide. If you want to access the online videos of the course, you may contact one of our strategic partners or the Exam Unit...
March 20, 2020Dear colleagues, members, and constituentsAs COVID-19 continues to cause disruption and uncertainty in our daily lives and business, we want to reassure our stakeholders that The AACI is committed to providing you with uninterrupted access to our anti-corruption certification programs, resources, and all our services. Therefore, we shall...
February 11, 2019In view of the efforts of His Excellency Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR, President, Commander-in-Chief of The Armed Forces of The Federal Republic of Nigeria, we are launching “The Certified Anti-Corruption Professional Certification Program for Universities, Politechnics Students and Faculties in Nigeria”, on the 26th of February, 2020 Hosted by...
February 5, 2020Certified Anti-Corruption Manager’s Review Text BookFormat: Digital (PDF) Edition: 2020Pages: 617Author: The Technical Staff of The AACIPublisher: The Exam Unit of The American Anti-Corruption Institute LLC. Printed in the United States of AmericaDigital Edition ISBN 978-1-7324547-4-3 The Certified Anti-Corruption Manager (CACM) ® Management Credential The CACM sets the par...