Posts cover the costs of corruption of all kinds. Such costs include, but not limited to, those associated with and have negative impacts on the rule of law, public funds, and resources, education, healthcare, poverty, civil society, economic sustainability, foreign direct investment (FDI), interest rate, citizenship, and citizens trust in public institutions.
These posts also cover the negative consequences of corruption on the proper separation of powers (legislative, judicial, and executive), and tax collections.
July 29, 2020Technical StaffThe IMF published on its blog a post entitled ” Corruption and COVID-19″ [note] Read more on the IMF blog on Accessed on July 29, 2020[/note]. The IMF emphasizes the importance of governance and the fight against corruption. While the IMF defines corruption as “the abuse...
July 25, 2020Photo by Carlos César from PexelsThe International Consortium of Investigative Journalists in its “Luanda Leaks” provides an explicit example of how corruption works at the top in one of the oil-rich countries. Many studies found that there is “a positive correlation between economic dependence on natural resources and increased corruption, and...
The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI) delivers its live online learning programs in many countries in cooperation with Tomorrow’s Advice Global s.a.l. The AACI uses several technology platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams to deliver its programs. The normal duration of our programs is three days @ 5 hours a...
Technical StaffJuly 10, 2020The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a prominent Washington DC think tank, published a remarkable report on July 7, 2020, entitled “Dubai’s Role in Facilitating Corruption and Global Illicit Financial Flows.” It is a significant report due to both exceptional content and timing. [note] Read and downward...
June 23, 2020Today Sky News reported that “the former chief executive of payments firm Wirecard has been arrested amid an accounting scandal that centres on a missing €1.9bn (£1.7bn). Markus Braun had resigned on Friday after the company revealed that auditors could not find accounts containing the money.[note] Skye News,...
June 22, 2020If corruption is widespread in a country, it strikes in all economic sectors. It is a fact that we find it difficult for someone to argue otherwise. Therefore, when the risk of corruption is high in a country, corruption risk is also high in all institutions and companies...
June 12, 2020Impacts of COVID-19 PandemicDue to the COVID-19 pandemic, we replaced the two days CACF review course and exam with a blended online CACF review course. Though, we are committed to delivering the two days CACF review course and exam “when it is possible“!Blended Online CACF Review Course We...