Posts cover the costs of corruption of all kinds. Such costs include, but not limited to, those associated with and have negative impacts on the rule of law, public funds, and resources, education, healthcare, poverty, civil society, economic sustainability, foreign direct investment (FDI), interest rate, citizenship, and citizens trust in public institutions.
These posts also cover the negative consequences of corruption on the proper separation of powers (legislative, judicial, and executive), and tax collections.
December 10, 2020A Keynote speech by Dr. Choong Y. Lee, University Professor at Pittsburg State University (, Kansas, USA, delivered at the first international anti-corruption conference of Lebanon Certified Anti-Corruption Managers (LCACM) –, Beirut – Lebanon on December 9, 2020. LCACM conducted the conference in cooperation with The American...
December 10, 2020Ms. Gina Chammas’s presentation discusses whether there is a Ponzi scheme at the Central Bank of Lebanon or not based on discussing the CBL audited financial statements and the audit report of the year ended December 31, 2018. In addition, Ms. Chammas discusses the Ponzi scheme news presented...
December 10, 2020L. B. Files, CACM, CDD, president of The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI), addresses Lebanon Certified Anti-Corruption Managers (LCACM) first International Virtual Anti-Corruption Conference on Dec. 9, 2020, celebrating the Anti-Corruption Day.Mr. Files discusses the history of corruption and asserts several significant matters about the nature of corruption...
December 10, 2020The following is a conference paper entitled Gonflci Gold presented at the first virtual international conference of Lebanon Certified Anti-Corruption Managers (LCACM) ( celebrating the International Anti-Corruption Day; 9 December 2020. The paper is accompanied by 10 minutes video.Mike J. Masoud, CPA, CACM, CFE, MBAThe paper is prepared...
النقيب جينا الشمّـاس رئيسة جمعية مدراء مؤهلون لمكافحة الفساد – لبنـانومستشارة المعهد الأميركي لمكافحة الفساد في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفرقيامشاركة النقيب جينا الشمّاس في المؤتمر الأول للعدالة للبنان وشعبهبدعوة من ملتقى متّحدون من أجل العدالة للبنـان وشعبهفي ٧ تشرين الثاني 2020 – اوتيل ليريتاج عاليه – لبنـانبعنوانمكافحة الفساد في القطاع...
Technical StaffNovember 11, 2020Last month, the Economist, the British famous magazine; broadcasted on YouTube a documentary entitled “how to tackle corruption.” The documentary presented several corruption stories covering many countries. South Africa, Ukraine, and the UK were among what presented in the documentary.The estimated annual direct cost of corruption is,...
October 31, 2020Technical StaffAn ICIJ’s investigation has shown that major international banks facilitate money laundering for criminal organizations, politicians, and others. This investigation has generated reactions from many international actors as well as specific recommendations to increase the effectiveness of anti-money laundering. However, we want to clarify what we concluded...