Exam Unit
January 15, 2023
Attention all decision makers and professionals interested in furthering their knowledge and skills in the fight against corruption! The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI) is pleased to announce the availability of the 2023 edition of the Certified Anti-Corruption Manager (CACM) Review Textbook. The CACM Review Textbook Ed. 2023 is the only official and authorized textbook to prepare for the CACM exam, the world’s leading anti-corruption management designation.

Purchase your CACM 2023 today and take a step towards becoming a leader in the fight against corruption. (Click here)
New updates, extra content, and new questions.
0,Certified Anti-Corruption Manager’s Review Textbook 2023 Ed.It is a must-have resource for executives who want to prevent, deter, and detect fraud and corruption. Members of The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI) are entitled to a 25% discount on the listed price: USD 290.
Special offers are available in the EU, Africa, The Middle East, and Asia. Contact our strategic partner in your country or region.
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