June 23, 2020 Today Sky News reported that “the former chief executive of payments firm Wirecard has been arrested amid an accounting scandal that centres on a missing €1.9bn (£1.7bn). Markus Braun had resigned on Friday after the company revealed that auditors could not find accounts containing the money.[note] Skye […]
When Corruption Thrives, It Flourishes Everywhere: Public Auditing and Financial Institutions Are No Exceptions
June 22, 2020 If corruption is widespread in a country, it strikes in all economic sectors. It is a fact that we find it difficult for someone to argue otherwise. Therefore, when the risk of corruption is high in a country, corruption risk is also high in all institutions and […]
Certified Anti-Corruption Fellow (CACF): Update
June 12, 2020 Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we replaced the two days CACF review course and exam with a blended online CACF review course. Though, we are committed to delivering the two days CACF review course and exam “when it is possible“! Blended Online CACF […]
Corrupt Networking
April 30, 2020Mike J. Masoud [note]Mike Masoud, CPA, CACM, CFE, MBA is the Sr. Director of The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI) in the Middle East and Africa. You may reach him at Mike@THEAACI.com[/note] Networking is always necessary for human social, economic, and political development. The information and technology revolution created […]
May 25, 2020Mike J. Masoud [note] Mike Masoud, CPA, CACM, CFE, MBA is the Sr. Director of The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI) in the Middle East and Africa. You may reach him at Mike@THEAACI.com [/note] Last month, The AACI published a conservative blog about the NMC Health Plc scandal entitled: […]
May 14, 2020 On February 28, 2020, Bob Rijkers, senior economist [note] https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/video/2020/03/03/elite-capture-of-foreign-aid accessed on May 14, 2020, [/note] at the World Bank, presented the results of a Policy Research Working Paper on “Elite Capture of Foreign Aid: Evidence from Offshore Bank Accounts.” You may watch the 51 minutes video […]
Technical StaffMay 11, 2020 On February 19, 2020, the World Bank published a working paper, entitled ‘Elite Capture of Foreign Aid,’ [note] Andersen, J., Johannesen, N. and Rijkers, B., 2020. Elite Capture Of Foreign Aid: Evidence From Offshore Bank Accounts. [online] Documents.worldbank.org. Available at: <http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/493201582052636710/pdf/Elite-Capture-of-Foreign-Aid-Evidence-from-Offshore-Bank-Accounts.pdf> [Accessed 11 May 2020]. [/note] where the […]
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The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI)
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This site is the official blog of The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI). It is an integral part of The AACI’s Media and Public Relations Dept. We also publish here our and others news, opinions, research, and white papers.
Comprehensive Overview: Certified Anti-Corruption Manager (CACM)
Launching The AACI’s University Initiative in Africa

Anti-Corruption Case Contests at Qatar University

The AACI in Qatar, 2013
University of Ibadan: The First African University Leading the Fight Against Corruption
Recent Posts
- The CPA’s Role: Misunderstood by Leaders, Exploited by Scandals
- Online Scams Are Evolving—Are You Prepared to Fight Back?
- The AACI Successfully Completes Fourth CACF at Fouad Chehab Command and Staff College
- Announcement: Updated CACM Membership Renewal, Lapse, and Reinstatement Policy
- The Organizational Culture of Corruption
The AACI’s View
They are the official opinions of The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI). Our vision, mission, and code of ethics provide the guidelines for our views. When we issue an opinion or express our perspective on a relevant matter, we expressly state that this is The AACI’s view. We publish our beliefs, ideas, and attitudes on our websites (theaaci.com, theaaci.net, and theaaci.org), The AACI official blog, and The AACI social media accounts ( Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram)
Certified Anti-Corruption Manager (CACM)
CACM Review Course and Exam
University of Ottawa

The AACI publishes opinions and contributions written by some of its employees, management, and directors. It also publishes contributions from other experts, academicians, and professionals.
Views and opinions expressed under “Opinions” of this blog or at The AACI’s website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer or The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI).
Anti-Corruption Resources (Arabic)
- المعهد الأمريكي لمكافحة الفساد
- ترخيص المؤسسات للوقاية من الفساد
- قواعد الشفافية والحماية من الفساد وتأثيرها على توفير بيئة تشريعية داعمة لقضايا المرأة
- مدير مؤهل لمكافحة الفساد
- مصادر بالعربية:مأسسة الوقاية من الفساد
- نشر المعرفة المتخصصة والإستثمار في الوقاية من الفساد
- الدور الفعّال للقطاع الخاص في الوقاية من الفساد
- دور مجلس الإدارة والإدارة التنفيذية في الوقاية من الفساد والاحتيال
- دور الجامعات العربية في الوقاية من الفساد
- المواطن العربي البسيط : مدير مؤهل لمكافحة الفساد
- الفساد في القطاع الصحي: الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا
- سيادة القانون: الفجوة ما بين الإرادة السياسية والتطبيق
- الحوكمة في قطاع الخدمات الصحية
- مكافحة الفساد بين الواقع والمأمول