October 29, 2022Technical Staff When corruption becomes the norm rather than the exception, the quality of life declines, and social values change. For example, the rule of law diminishes, bribery payment becomes usual and acceptable, nepotism becomes a pride source, and connections are the actual qualifications! People’s morale deteriorates, and […]
October 24, 2022Technical Staff Definition 1 It is an intentional act that uses deception by misstating or omitting material information and results in a misstatement in financial statements to deceive financial statements users. AU-C Section 240, Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit, defines fraud as” an intentional act […]
October 24, 2022Technical Staff An examination of inspection data finds that US regulators were twice as likely to discover flaws in audits completed by KPMG’s overseas affiliates as those performed by any other Big Four accounting firm. The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board ramps up enforcement and intends to hold […]
October 16, 2022Mike J. Masoud On June 16, 2022, I wrote an article titled “Conflict of Interests: Prevention is better than cure.” and published it on The AACI’s official blog. I stated in the said article the following: When a person runs for public office, he must give up his […]
Setting the tone at the top of what is acceptable and not acceptable sets the boundaries of expected behavior and conduct. Those charged with governance and executive management are responsible for establishing proper and adequate policies that encourage honesty and reward integrity. For example, when a company establishes a well-written whistleblowing policy, it should encourage all stakeholders to report wrongdoing. However, organizational leadership should be vigilant and have effective communication with management, employees, and other stakeholders.
Engaging Students in Fighting Corruption
Regardless of the existence of corruption, students should understand the basics and characteristics of corruption. They should learn about corruption schemes and their damages. They should also learn how to deter and prevent corruption.
Benefits of Engaging Students
An effective student engagement strategy should achieve the following goals:
Evidence shows that when an individual believes that he is being watched, he makes sure that his behavior complies with what is expected of him. For example, it is more likely than not that students do not cheat on exams when they believe that they are being watched by humans or cameras. When deterrence is professionally designed and implemented adequately, its monetary and non-monetary savings are remarkable. But the effectiveness of deterrence depends on three components.
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Together, Empowering Tone at the Top
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Comprehensive Overview: Certified Anti-Corruption Manager (CACM)
Launching The AACI’s University Initiative in Africa
Anti-Corruption Case Contests at Qatar University
The AACI in Qatar, 2013
University of Ibadan: The First African University Leading the Fight Against Corruption
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- What Makes A Corrupt?
- Corruption in US Politics: A Legacy of Betrayal and Power’s Ethical Downfall
- Understanding the Drivers of Fraud and Corruption
- Unveiling the Future of Anti-Corruption: Major Updates to the 2025 Edition of the CACM Review Textbook
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They are the official opinions of The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI). Our vision, mission, and code of ethics provide the guidelines for our views. When we issue an opinion or express our perspective on a relevant matter, we expressly state that this is The AACI’s view. We publish our beliefs, ideas, and attitudes on our websites (theaaci.com, theaaci.net, and theaaci.org), The AACI official blog, and The AACI social media accounts ( Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram)
Certified Anti-Corruption Manager (CACM)
CACM Review Course and Exam
University of Ottawa
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Anti-Corruption Resources (Arabic)
- المعهد الأمريكي لمكافحة الفساد
- ترخيص المؤسسات للوقاية من الفساد
- قواعد الشفافية والحماية من الفساد وتأثيرها على توفير بيئة تشريعية داعمة لقضايا المرأة
- مدير مؤهل لمكافحة الفساد
- مصادر بالعربية:مأسسة الوقاية من الفساد
- نشر المعرفة المتخصصة والإستثمار في الوقاية من الفساد
- الدور الفعّال للقطاع الخاص في الوقاية من الفساد
- دور مجلس الإدارة والإدارة التنفيذية في الوقاية من الفساد والاحتيال
- دور الجامعات العربية في الوقاية من الفساد
- المواطن العربي البسيط : مدير مؤهل لمكافحة الفساد
- الفساد في القطاع الصحي: الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا
- سيادة القانون: الفجوة ما بين الإرادة السياسية والتطبيق
- الحوكمة في قطاع الخدمات الصحية
- مكافحة الفساد بين الواقع والمأمول