Certified Anti-Corruption Manager (CACM)
CACM members are qualified Certified Anti-Corruption Manager ®©(CACM). It is the international premier professional qualification that distinguishes management possessing the required cutting-edge knowledge and skills to fight fraud and corruption from its management position.
The AACI is the only global Institute that offers such a rigorous and disciplined scheme to qualify management to fight corruption. The CACM is not technical in nature, yet it capitalizes on the management science and the technical skills management usually has. The CACM syllabus shows the table of contents of the CACM Review textbook and the subjects that are tested in the CACM online exam.
If you have any questions about AACI membership benefits, contact us and someone from the membership team will be in touch; alternatively, you can telephone (602) -235- 0956.
Certified Anti-Corruption Fellow (CACF)
The CACF distinguishes students who are qualified to prevent, deter, and detect corruption. It is the only global certification process that enables students to engage in fighting corruption effectively, efficiently, and patriotically. The CACF certification process capitalizes on the United Nations Convention Against Corruption and focuses mainly on the prevention of corruption. (Read more)
The AACI offers globally a disciplined anti-corruption certification program to organizations seeking to prevent fraud and corruption in their business processes, operations, and culture. This certification process is the first of its kind worldwide and forms a basis for institutional change in fighting fraud and corruption. It is available to organizations of all kinds and types. The process is principally administered and completed online.
It is an annual certification process that shows quantitatively the collective anti-corruption knowledge score of those who are charged with governance.
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