The First Anti-Corruption Case Contest at Qatar University: He is the Chairman of the Board and CEO ©

In May 2015, The AACI conducted an anti-corruption case contest at Qatar University, Doha – Qatar. This is the first of its kind in the Middle East and Africa. The AACI’s Student Association engagement was exemplary.
We will be offering the anti-corruption case contest each semester at Qatar University. Moreover, we will expand its scope and the pool of participants.
On December 17, 2013, The AACI and Qatar University signed a general agreement to empower the role of academia in fighting corruption. The agreement calls for, among other things, conducting anti-corruption empirical research and launching local innovative anti-corruption initiatives.
The AACI works with many universities worldwide. We negotiate similar cooperation with several premier and leading universities in the Middle East and Africa.
Our members can access the anti-corruption case studies and contests for academic purposes when they click here.
The Second Anti-Corruption Case Contest at Qatar University: VW Diesel Gate ©

On December 22, 2015, The AACI and Qatar University concluded the second anti-corruption case contest at Qatar University, Doha – Qatar. This is the first of its kind in the Middle East and Africa. The AACI’s Student Association engagement was exemplary. We currently deliver the anti-corruption case contest each semester at Qatar University.
The second anti-corruption case contest targeted more than 16,000 students; all Qatar University students.
On December 17, 2013, The AACI and Qatar University signed a general agreement to empower the role of academia in fighting corruption. The agreement calls for, among other things, conducting anti-corruption empirical research and launching local innovative anti-corruption initiatives.
The AACI works with many universities worldwide. We negotiate similar cooperation with several premier and leading universities in the Middle East and Africa.
Our members can access the anti-corruption case studies and contests for academic purposes when they click here

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Together, Empowering Tone at the Top
Click here for an overview of The AACI. You may also download its PowerPoint presentation (PDF)
Qatar Association of CPAs and The AACI: Cooperation in Anti-Corruption
The 2nd Anti-Corruption Case Contest at QU

The Media Coverage of the Launching Event in Qatar, 2013